Saturday, December 27, 2008

Live with Less

Live With Less

In these days of crisis we keep hearing… the banks need money for us to borrow…
Why do we need to borrow more money… I thought we are having these problems because we borrowed too much… to the point of overextending ourselves and losing our homes… and now we need to borrow more so we can buy more…. Where has the sound Economics 101… gone… Gone away are the basics of an equilibrium… Saving equal Investment…
Watching the news we hear a lot on the decline of sales… whether it is retail, or automobiles, or even homes… One word, though, which I failed to hear was Savings… looks like that word is out of our vocabulary… for good…

Instead of overextending ourselves… we should, maybe look at spending less… which is OK if we need less… so I had an idea… we could start by shrinking the size of our closet… by making our closets smaller will force us to require less stuff… anything wrong with that… living with less… try it… it will make you enjoy living with less…

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cat's soul...

Cat’s soul…

This morning, walking back from my morning coffee at the mall… I saw a cat… lying in a sunny spot amongst the autumn leaves…. So I kneeled and rubbed his neck… the way cats like it… He looked up and said “thank you”… and he continued to lay and enjoy the sun…

Does this cat have a soul… does the soul have a dimension… is this soul bigger than my little Tikva’s… and what about the sole on the shoes of the Arab journalist…. Does that soul have a sole… oops… I mean does the journalist’s sole have a soul… or was I right the first time…

What difference does it make… my Tikva’s soul is a place in our soul which we reserve for her…. Forever, ever ever… to use an expression from Dahlia…beyond dimension… any dimension…

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

On the other hand...

On the other hand…

This morning, as I was walking to drink my coffee in the mall… I admired the quietness of my surrounding… It seems more like Palo Alto… the clean pavement… occupied by autumn leaves… and an occasional neighbor sweeping off this foliage… I can hear, in my head, Yves Montand singing…

On the other hand… I also remember the ordeal of my “compulsive behavior…” the trash one had to go around to enter the crack house…. All this for what… for the illusion of an elixir which is only an illusion… without any real and homely holy feeling…

When I look back on what I went through… I tell myself “Ivo my dear friend… this is more a Palo Alto type surrounding than a crack surrounding…”

Let’s make sure it stays that way…

Monday, December 15, 2008


Early this morning I was listening to the radio and noticed that they were talking about homeless people and shelters… It brought memories of the times I went to the various shelters… and having to leave at 5am… It was December and the wind was blowing… with a windshield factor in the twenties… and we had to wait outside till 6am… for the kitchen to open… or else panhandle for a cup of coffee at the gas station…
For the less lucky times, when the shelter was full… I spent the cccold night on the 22 bus… because this was an all night bus line…
How lucky I am today… with enough shelter for me to say… I will turn off the heater now, I have enough heat to keep me warm…

All this came to my mind because a friend told me about a social program I can subscribe to… and reduce or refund my Medicare payment of $96… and she gave me the phone number to call…
Thinking of the homeless whose dream is to find a place to stay dry… I said to myself… “There are people less fortunate than I” let me leave it to them to take advantage of this program…

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Double Miracle - A Testimonial

Double Miracle
A Testimonial by Ivo Adam

The first time I heard of, and met, Oncle Gustave I was four or five years old, I remember going, with my mother, directly from pre-school to see this important uncle. I learned later that Oncle Gustave was Nonna Clemy’s favorite brother.
I remember being proudly dressed in my school uniform, I was sitting down shaking my leg to the point of having my aunt Nelly to tell me to stop shaking… was that the first sign of Parkinson?
It was some three decades later that I saw Oncle Gustave again, I was in Paris on business and my Nonna Clemy asked me to come with her and see Gustave.
What I saw was an older man sitting on a chair in the living room of this classy apartment where pieces of art were hanging on every wall.
Oncle Gustave, I learned later, was afflicted with Parkinson Disease, could barely move his legs and had extreme difficulty talking. None of the art pieces or other fortunes could make this man walk and talk again. He died a few years later.
It is with this knowledge of Parkinson Disease that I found myself, a decade later, outside Stanford Hospital in my car crying like a baby…
I had just found out that I had Parkinson’s, like Oncle Gustave. But he was in his seventies, I was only 44 years old. Shall I end up in a chair like my uncle…
The optimist in me forced me to refuse to look at such a bleak future and understand my options, I remember asking my doctor what was I to expect and his answer was “Well, there are certain things you will not be able do in five to ten years.”
So I decided to start playing tennis, and I found a partner and played every week for ten years.
I allowed myself to forget my condition and focus on the pleasures of life.
I achieved this while remembering my responsibilities and obligations of fatherhood. I was very lucky to have two daughters who were very understanding and rewarding.
I ignore if there is anything more satisfying for a father than go to his daughters’ graduation. Thank you Gal and Sharon.
Maybe I am being sentimental but I really enjoyed the times I was discussing things with my daughters’ classmates and see them grow up.
Spending numerous hours on the air, or in airports, gave me time to read; and since I found interest in history, I spent my free time visiting museums or churches when traveling in Europe. I always admired the beauty that surrounds us, whether it is the Pantheon in Athens, the four thousand year old cuneiform tablets in the British Museum, the Mona Lisa in the Louvre, or some ancient temple in Seoul, Korea.
As time went by my Parkinson required me to increase the dosage of artificial dopamine for me to feel and function “as I was before”. But it was an illusion, I knew that my shaking and tremors would continue, and I had to keep my positive outlook, not withstanding the terminal nature this Illness on my future, hoping for a new development in finding a cure for this illness.
As I look back, I noticed that I was becoming more and more defiantly assertive. I was trying to live with, and have several behaviors which I never before would have dreamed of, the most severe was my propensity to smoke crack cocaine.
In all the past years, living a very active cosmopolitan life style, I never found the need to ever try taking drugs, even growing up a Beatles fan in the sixties in no way gave me the compulsion to look beyond Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds… never requiring a little help from my friends.
But as I took more and more crack, I entered a life style which I never dreamt I would participate in, and culminating in my going to jail for ninety days, because the judge did not believe I was serious about quitting the cocaine habit…
Over the past years, I have tried seriously to stop smoking crack, but every time I would tell myself with all sincerity, no more, I would turn around and go buy some more… I had a sincere desire to stop… but something was impeding me to do it.
I tried going to several programs, but after a couple of weeks outside, I would do it again… all the promises I made to myself, and others, I was unable to keep… and my tremors and shakes increased, so I would increase the dosage of medication, never dreaming that there was a link between them.
A few months back I tried, through my neurologist at Valley Medical, to register in Stanford Hospital’s Deep Brain Surgery program... hoping for some miracle.
Luckily, I received a letter from Stanford Hospital, inviting me to go and test for DBS.
During the long six hour session the doctor asked me if I had any compulsive behavior, like gambling. Having read about compulsive behavior as being a form of addiction, I said yes… and it is not gambling, it is cocaine…
Apparently, the Parkinson medication I was taking for many years (Requip and Mirapex) had a side effect of giving a compulsive behavior, The medication gave a dopamine punch so strong that it had the brain go for compulsive behavior.
When the doctor heard that, she immediately took me off Requip, in a two day phase-out plan… and that is when the miracle occurred… as I stopped the Requip my craving for cocaine disappeared… that desire I had every morning, and was fighting daily for drugs was gone, disappeared…
I just could not believe it, all the desires I had “for living on the wild side” are all gone. It is as if it is a very distant memory of someone else. Today, it is hard for me to believe that I craved for such things as picking cigarette butts in bus stops and going to sleep in shelters.
It appears that I totally killed this Albatross away from the realm of my existence.
With crack cocaine behind me, I now focused on getting ready for my surgery, remembering that I had just switched from Requip and was taking a much weaker medication… which allowed me much less mobility.
The surgery was performed in two phases, the first one was to implant a couple of probes deep in my brain (making me a cyborg), a week later a pacemaker/generator was implanted in my thorax and connected to the probes. Apparently both these surgeries were positive... but the probe was not connected to the generator, and would not be for another week, so I had to wait for the results…
During that week, even though everyone was telling me that all was OK, I was very restless, praying that everything was really going to be all right.
Then, I went to connect and calibrate my generator… and it works!!! My shakes (after twenty years) are gone.
For those who have known me for a while… Ivo is now free of drug addiction and free of any tremor and shake…
If this is not a double miracle I don’t know what is…

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cats of Thornwood

Cats of Thornwood

A few years after we settled in Palo Alto… Susanne, a friend of Orit, told us that a friend of hers had a cat who just gave birth to a litter of kitties and offered us one… To our surprise she brought two cats asking us to keep one for a couple of days… because she was going away for the week-end… but clearly she had forgotten about the kitty because she showed up two weeks later to pick up “her” cat… by then the little kitties were so happy together that we refused to give her one… We then named the kitties Tofu and Kudzu and set up a basket for them to sleep in our garage…

Even though they were brothers the kitties developed their own personalities… they both loved to cuddle with the kids in front of television… Kudzu loved rubbing his head under whoever’s hand… as if to say rub my head… I love it when you do that… outdoors Kudzu would go and find a leaf that looked like a hockey stick put it in his mouth and run with it as fast as he could… he had disappeared for a while… maybe he went to Canada and played hockey… or maybe he went to Hollywood and act in the movies… Gal thought she saw him on UCLA campus…
Tofu on the other hand was into soccer… we had an apple tree in our back yard and when spring came and some small apples fell from the tree Tofu was there playing with the apples like a soccer player…

One day a couple of years later… one of my neighbors… three houses down… informed me that Kudzu showed up in his doorstep… and they kinda adopted him… I saw Kudzu sporadically but he always escaped when I called him… Until I was informed that Kudzu had a lump growing in the back of his head… so I took him to the Vet… we found out that he had a tumor growing… without any pain said the Vet… but if it grows again the cat will have lots of pain… and should be put to sleep…
Kudzu lived for a few months… with the same routine… living at the neighbor’s… then one day I found Kudzu in the basket… which was there since they were baby kitties… at first I thought it was Tofu and I said “Tofu what are you doing in the basket…“ Kudzu looked up at me and meeawd to me… I then saw that his tumor grew so much that it was hurting him… He had simply come home to die… we took him to the Vet… and buried him in our back yard… and even though he was covered with a cloth… Tofu was there …and stayed close by for days… It looked like he had lost the spark of life…

Then Sharon brought home a black kitty… which we called Calvin… he was a very dynamic little kitty… always jumping on Tofu as if to say…come on bro… let’s play… and slowly Tofu found his spark for life again…

A friend of Sharon, Jenny W had received a kitty for her birthday… but her mother refused it… so I was asked to keep it… I accepted on condition that Sharon takes responsibility for it… she was called Kimmy by Mrs. Williams… our next door neighbor and animal lover…
It turned out that Kimmy fell in love with Paddington a big cat living one house down from the Williams’… but Calvin too was in love with Kimmy… and periodically he got into fights with Paddington… some of these fights were very rough and I had to take Calvin to the Vet for antibiotic shots…

Tofu was loosing weight so we brought him to the Vet and found out that he had Thyroid… and needed to take a pill every day… Luckily Mrs. Williams volunteered to do it… We called various Pharmacies to compare prices and found one… so I brought the prescription… They entered the data in their computer…
First name Tofu
Last name Adam
Sex Male
Date of birth Cat
I told the pharmacist… Cats have nine lives… which one do you want…

Tofu lived a few more years… then on a Xmas day Gal found Tofu dead in the garage… so we buried him next to his brother Kudzu…

Monday, November 3, 2008



Calvin and the stupid drugs

If someone is to take credit for coining the term “Drugs are Stupid” it is most certainly Calvin… It was me who stupidly laid alone in bed… reaching for my pipe in the drawer of my night stand… looking for nirvana…
As soon as Calvin smelled the dope he would close the night stand drawer and say “Drugs are stupid… stop it”… but the stupid was me who refused to listen to my beloved Calvin…

Eventually… I moved and Calvin escaped away… I hope he found a decent home to live in… As my daughter Sharon says… he is such a loving cat that he most certainly found a family to adopt him…

Yes Calvin was my cat… and he was using his tail to push closed the night stand drawer… It was me…the human being (?) who was too stupid to realize that Calvin loved me and was trying to give me a message…

A message I was too stupid to realize…

Drugs are Stupid

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Nationalism and Economics

Nationalism and Economics

“Nationalism belongs to a soccer field…” I’ve been saying this for years, and I still believe it, vehemently… other than in a soccer field, or any kind of sports arena, the concept of rooting for national team, or its flag should be limited to the sporting event…
Having lived around (in seven countries on four continents)… gave me a cosmopolitan upbringing, which in turn made me view the world as a whole, as opposed to a multitude of, sometimes bellicose, nations.
Now, having said that… what does all this have to do with Economics…
Looking or listening to the various pundits it appears that we continue sliding into a recession (everyone is afraid to use the “D” word), and all we could come up is giving money to the banks so they can “lend it” to tax paying citizens… who will be further in debt to the banks…
It sounds like what we have is a banking problem… and it appears that it is the bankers who created these problems… while enriching themselves…
Then why do we have to be the ones that suffer… In the meantime let us “Play Ball”

Friends 6

Friends 6

Gunnar J… I saw Gunnar recently, he had come to the Bay Area for his son’s wedding… both my daughters say that he looks like Popeye…. He is a very jovial person… and I always enjoyed our periodic lunches at The Fish Market…. He currently alternates between Paris and Southern Sweden… Where he is growing grapes for his wine making… Wine in Sweden… sounds like cows in Berkeley…. Moooo…

Karina A… Karina is Gal’s best friend… They are inseparable since elementary school… when Karina’s mom gave her daughter Caviar for snack… while Gal’s mom gave her Pate and Spanacopita… a bit different from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich the other kids had…
Today Karina has two kids… a daughter Jette who is the same age than Dahlia… and a son Sirrus who is one year younger… when I see them playing together it reminds me of their mothers playing together for hours… She is another daughter to me…
I love you Karina

Bisser D… Before meeting Bisser, my knowledge of Eastern Europe was very limited… I had been to Yugoslavia once for three days… and spent a weekend in Budapest… I was ignorant on Eastern European business practices… Bisser is Bulgarian…when I had a chance to visit that country I was struck by the lack of products for sale in the shops… the poverty in the heart of Europe was striking…
Bisser epitomizes the Eastern European businessman… charming, autocratic, hard working and a lust for power and the control of power…

Friday, October 31, 2008

Voting Age

Voting Age

A Couple of days ago I took my granddaughter Dahlia to the Exploratirium… AS I parked the car Dahlia asked me… “Who are you going to vote for Nonno”… “Obama” was my reply…
“Good “ she said… “Me too, I am voting for Obama”…
I smiled thinking… boy they start early… Dahlia is barely five… or as she says four and three quarters…
Good luck my Princess…

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friends 5

Friends 5

Masa M was one of the most successful hires I made…I had hired him as liaison to our Japanese partner, Matsushita…
True to the Japanese tradition Masa was very loyal… he had worked for a large computer chip manufacturer for three years… he had stayed that amount of time because the company sponsored his green card… and started looking for a job on the third anniversary of employment… This dependability and loyalty made Masa the most successful intermediary in building joint partnerships in the computer peripheral field… We still keep in touch with an occasional lunch at Fontana’s in Cupertino… Good luck my dear friend…

Uli and Doris B have all the positive traits one can see in Swiss citizens… and they know what deep friendship means… I remember one urgent European Distributor meeting I had in Paris… The company was in trouble and I was sent to Europe to drum up some orders… Uli refused to call it a meeting… he called it a Blackmail Meeting… I also remember when I needed Parkinson medication available in Switzerland… Uli was there to supply it…
But the most striking memory I have is… one day Doris visited us to complain on the extremely long period for our broken drives to be repaired… She told our Credit Manager that if we refuse to repair the drives promptly she will put us on “Credit Hold”. Useless to say… the drives were repaired promptly… Au revoir mon ami

Leda B I met Leda in a restaurant in Palo Alto during the World Cup in 1994… She is Brazilian but is fluent in French and Italian… of course we spoke Football between us… It turns out Leda was a journalist on a Fulbright scholarship at Stanford… Over the years we stayed in touch on and off… she moved back to Brazil recently… she says visa problems… but I believe she was homesick… missing the mess one can find in a large Latin country… the largest I presume… In her last email she said November would be when she comes… I hope it is November 2008… Ciao Leda

Monday, October 27, 2008

Friends 4

Friends 4

Kolestin O When I moved to the USA I split Europe in two and hired and appointed Jean Pierre in Paris… Unfortunately after six months Jean Pierre had an operation… he died on the operating table… leaving me to find a replacement… I asked around and through Yves R I met Kolestin… and after three hours he was hired… I remember calling Orit and informing her that I found Kolestin…Where is he from, she asked… he is Basque I said… good, minorities make good salesmen… she answered… and she was right…

Jacques O He was my distributor in France… he is obsessed in always finding a woman… even if only for a smile… he is all show… but with substance too… even though he needs to be the center of attention… always….

Yves R Is maybe the opposite of Jacques O… In every way a gentleman… and a shrewd businessman… when he started his company he mentioned that in six months to a year he would like to add computer peripherals to his portfolio, and if by then I am still interested he would hire me… A couple of weeks later I finalized a deal with Ferrell S… and was looking for distributors throughout the continent… I called Yves and met for lunch… he then started to tell me that he needed some time before hiring me… I then said “Yves I have been hired by Shugart and want to appoint you as distributor… because I have a few orders for you to fill out…”and handed a couple of purchase orders… I am still in contact with Yves… and we get together whenever we are in the same continent…

Dick W Dick was retained as a consultant to help and support me… in Paris… whenever I needed help… a lot involved paperwork, get the right one so as to ensure the legality of a shipment… we were in the middle of the cold war… I remember meeting Dick on July 13th in Paris… it was Bastille Eve with people dancing and making noise in the street all night… I kept in touch with Dick throughout the years…
By chance Dick called me as I was leaving the Detox center… and found a room in a “very undesirable” neighborhood… we must be able to find something better than this… It is thanks to Dick and his support that I found the studio I am in now… Thank you Dick my friend…all the best…

Gunther W was hired by Wolfgang to replace him at Synelec… I remember when he was hired his English was extremely primitive… He will learn it said Wolfgang… which he did… we had lunch last year in Munich… and all seems well… Good Luck Gunther… all the best…

Dimitre V is a Bulgarian living in Campbell… we worked together in the brief period I was with BMI… we meet from time to time for lunch… always enjoyable… see you soon, I hope

Bill C My neighbor… Bill is a poet and he has been guiding me through the writing of this Blog/Book… time only will tell what and how will it end… au revoir…

Friends 3

Friend 3

Leon M One day when I was at Shugart I received a call from Bob T… Bob and I used to work together… he was now with a competitor… he told me that he wanted me to meet someone… so we met for lunch… He brought with him Leon… and said “Ivo this is Leon and I just hired him to run International Sales… Since you know the business can you give him some pointers…” What was curious about his request was that he was introducing me my to new competitor… and he asked for my help… Leon and I became good friends… I later worked for Leon… with great success…. We are still keeping in touch…

Ferrell S Ferrell once described his job as that of a zoo keeper… who hired a bunch of wild animals to take care of the IT jungle… When Ferrell hired me I was living in Paris… knowing of my desire to move to California… he said “Ivo you get us half the market and we will move you”… with that incentive I worked my butt off… and three years later I gave Ferrell a complete analysis of the European market…showing that we had between sixty to sixty five percent of the market… seven months later I moved to Palo Alto…

Jan P Jan is a Swede and like all Swedes he is convinced that they are superior to any other Nordic person… Jan knew Ferrell so he believed that with his connection he could play up his role… so when I visited him in Sweden he accompanied me to see some Swedish customers… The next day I was scheduled to go to Norway with him… he found some excuse to skip this country… the market is very small…and my man Hogne will take you… Visiting two customers in Oslo the next day appeared to be perfect timing… they were both on the point of choosing a disk drive… after three more visits our sales to Norway were amongst the highest in Europe… even Jan admitted that… he still lives in Stockholm… and I still remember his home phone number…

Dieter S is a typical Bavarian… who believes that beer is liquid food…rather that alcohol… He is also very European who cares for his wine and his Armagnac… One of my successes I can boast was his convertion to the appreciation of Champagne… and since then we have some Champagne whenever we get together… here is to you Dieter my good friend…

Friends 2

Friends 2

Alan K I met Alan in the Bowling Alley in Haifa… He was an engineering student at the Technion…. When I joined SDSI in 1971… Alan was there working in engineering…. I later found out he was in Toronto and spent a few days during a vacation trip in Canada in 1982… He has two daughters, Imbar and Ortal, about the same age than Gal and Sharon… Alan moved to Chicago and I tracked him down a few months ago… Ortal lives in Oakland… and he promised to call the next time he is in town…

Irene and Romain C lived in our same complex in Paris… their daughter Delphine was Gal’s age… they were inseparable growing up… the year after our move to the US… Delphine came for a month in Palo Alto… and Gal went to Paris the following year… Romain and Irene moved to Montreal a couple of years later… we keep in touch, sporadicly…

Jair L Jair died about a year ago… he lived in LA and committed suicide in his desperate fight against Vodka… we were communicating by phone quite often… but I was deep in my addiction and I failed to assess the gravity of his condition… Rest In Peace my dear friend…

Michael B An Israeli IT distributor… Some years ago in an interview with an Israeli IT magazine I predicted that IT stores will be like Supermarkets… Michael still remembers that interview…

Pietro B When I started with Shugart Europe… I asked around for an Italian Distributor… and two different people told me that Pietro had just left the Swedish company he was with and was starting his own distributorship… Some ten days later I was in our booth at IT show… the Systems 75 in Munich… and I see Pietro come by asking if I had appointed any Italian distributor… and I said…”Yes you”… That was the beginning of a lasting friendship….

Angelo D When I was with SDSI selling into Europe… we had an Italian prospective customer named DEA… I was working closely with the Engineering VP on evaluating our product… everything was proceeding according to plan… but at the last minute the boss refused to sign the purchase order… I met him briefly and he told me that his equipment cost was one million dollars… and with my disk drive he would save five thousand dollars… with the risk of lacking full compatibility with DEC.. That Boss was Angelo… he had forgotten about that incident… Years later Pietro hired him as Managing Director… So when he introduced him I reminded him of the DEA affair… Angelo is retired and lives in Torino…. I spent a wonderful few days with him last year…

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friends 1


I thought it would be a good idea if I listed the friends I made throughout the years… I presume that I will forget a few… and I apologise if I forgot you…

To start from the beginning… my oldest friend is Steve S… previously known as Stelio (in school) and Lucky before that… we were going to the same park, called Oscar Finley Park, when we were two or three years old. The park was in the Mazarita district in Alexandria… I still vividly remember the statue/fountain depicting a boy riding on a dolphin… what it meant… I ignore it… another common point between us was Labiba… Labiba was a cook who was working three days in my grandma Wanda’s house… and three days at Lucky’s mother’s house… It is strange how our families stayed friends… my nonna with his mother in Egypt… my mother with his sister Marina in Greece… and Steve and myself in the USA… quite a few generations… except that Steve lives in Alexandria, Virginia and me in Santa Clara, California…

Bouli K. or Dimitry K… was in school with me in Alexandria, we were also Boy Scouts together… Bouli lives in Athens and the last time I saw him was in the late eighties… thanks to the internet we communicate from time to time…

Alec A was also in school together…he lives in New Jersy…. The last time I saw him was in 1964 when he was vacationing in Greece….

Aram M was another friend from BBS… I tracked him down around 1997 and stopped by his house in New Jersey during one of my trips to Poughkeepsee…

Robi O is next in list, we were in school together in Milano, at the ORT… I saw him again in 1967 when he came to volunteer in Israel… he took a job in Elbit, the same company I was with… he also was instrumental in my taking Orit with me from the beaches of Eilat in 1968… Again through his intervention, I received a call from him where he was offering me a job when I finished college at the Hebrew University in 1971… Robi still lives in Haifa in the same house and his wife Helen is a darling, as usual…

Sallie and Avi T Sallie and I worked together in Elbit… I lost touch with Sallie until last year… when, with Robi, we went for lunch at their house… Avi is into making wine… excellent wine I should say…

Marcello H is the only other ORT alumnus I am sometimes in contact with… he lives in Rome and I had dinner with him some four or five years ago… we email each other sporadically…

Daniel O was a classmate at the Hebrew U… being both Italian and studying Economics we became good friends, doing our exercises together… I had lost touch with Daniel… I was surprised to receive an invite for his wedding, to Silvia, some three months too late… what was surprising was that he got my address in Paris… he was in Cambridge, England working on a PhD…
It so happened that one of my neighbors was heading the Latin Desk at the OECD, and he wanted to convince me to join him… and work at the Italian desk…So I thought of Daniel and told him about my friend…
He said OK so I tracked his phone number in England and called him… “Daniel, how about a real job… interested…” He got to Paris a few days later… got the job at the OECD and moved to France… A few years later he moved to Luxembourg where he is working for La Banque Europeenne des Investissement… as chief economist… I saw him about a year ago during my Eurotour…

Yaacov and Daniela N They were our neighbors in Jerusalem… in all these years we stayed in touch with each other… They moved from Jerusalem to Ranana… when I was in Israel last year we spent a week-end with them, Gal and Dahlia, accompanied me… and of course their children Lior and Ramy with families came over on Sabbath… one of my fondest memories… I wish I will be able to see them again… one day…

Ilan and Ziva B… Ilan is my pillar of strength… Whenever I am distressed, or depressed… I think of Ilan… and I feel better… When asked How do you do… he always answers… Every Day Better… and he means it… He lives in Givataim and if I happen to be in Israel… look him up… because that is my home base in Israel….

Alain (Ilan) P He joined the kibbutz about the sam time I did… he is the type of friend with whom I would sit with for hours… discussing our latest problem… or politics… or share any joy we may think of… he is the friend whom I last saw in the seventies… but he was available when I tracked him down in Israel last year…

Tid Bits

Tid Bits

A bunch of observations from my past which I still remember…

CPU… This was a British distributor whom I appointed in mid 1975… the company was run by Tom and David… their salesman Rob was aggressive but very impersonal with customers… and whenever I had a complaint Rob declared that it was because Tom’s support was insufficient… I could have tolerated these minor incidents if the sales were good… but alas… sales were very low... I called Tom and asked him to meet me at the Heathrow Airport Hotel three days later… which was Xmas Eve… Tom and Dave were there waiting for me… They looked somber… They were both convinced that I would terminate our relation…
Instead, I ordered Champagne and told them that I was fully committed in our relation… but I wanted them to go after every customer… for 100% of the market… This relation turned around and CPU was a fruitful customer for everyone…

A few months after I joined SDSI in Haifa , we bought a car… a Fiat 124… it was the first car either of us had… Since I was carpooling to work I seldom used it to commute… One day my boss Moshe said to me… “Ivo, in all the years I worked I made it a point of being in the office before my boss…” now that you have a car you can be here by by half past seven… I answered “…Moshe, I have a better solution… you can come in at eight o’clock… then you will surely find me in the office…” which he did to everybody’s satisfaction…

Wolfgang was an aggressive German salesman… he was working for my distributor Synelec… but for all intensive purposes he was running the show… One day we were driving to Paderborn to visit a customer… We drove through the town which put us about a couple of blocks from our destination… with the building on the first turn on the left… But there was a No Left Turn sign in front of us… Wolfgang, who was more a salesman than a German said
“That Sign is for Other People we can go left…” and we got to our meeting on time… This convinced me to hire him… and have him find his replacement at Synelec…
Of all the people I encountered in Europe… Wolfgang is the only one who is still in disk drives… He figured out, correctly, that with the Information Technology (IT) expanding with meteoric proportions… there will always be a need to expand the storage in the IT Networks…
Good luck Wolfgang, my dear friend… all the best…

Friday, October 24, 2008



A few months after Orit left “to find herself” I went to Hawaii with the girls for Passover… After a week in Maui Gal and Sharon flew back home… while I took the plane to Tokyo… the funny thing about that flight… it was a honeymoon flight…. i.e. all the passengers were newly wed young couples on their way back from their Honeymoon in Hawaii…

In Tokyo I did my business as usual… and was dropped at the Imperial hotel around six… As I was going to my room I noticed a European woman talking to a Japanese hotel employee… When she finished with the employee I approached her and invited her to have a drink at the bar… It turned out she was a travel journalist living in Miami… she was going on this trip to Japan, China and Hong Kong… we spent the evening talking and talking and talking… we agreed to meet in Hong Kong some ten days later…

That was the beginning of some of the most romantic periods of my life… After a super romantic evening in Hong Kong…. Betty managed to change her return flight and stopped in SFO for an extended weekend in the Bay Area… After that, for the following year or so I stopped in Miami on every trip I made to Europe… and on a couple of occasions I took Betty with me… I remember Paris, Milan, Rome, Geneva, Lausanne, Stresa, and Puerto Rico… where I joined Betty for a Jewish Cuban Wedding of her cousins’ daughter… this event lasted three days…

Plenty of very pleasant memories which I shall cherish forever… or at least to the end of my lifetime…

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



I started getting into politics in the early nineties while watching C-SPAN on television… there was a sub-committee examining a train derailment on the Russian river… Chairing this sub-committee was a congresswoman from Marin County… she appeared totally in control… and was chewing the Pacific Railroad executive alive… She was so tough and so much in control… that it was a pleasure looking…
I told myself… Ivo, if this woman runs for an office closer to here… I’ll campaign for her… About a year later this woman ran for the Senate… her name is Barbara Boxer…
I called the Democratic Party and got to join a group of her supporters… There was an Arts & Wine festival in Palo Alto a month later and a volunteer was unable to get a table for Boxer… because tables were only for political parties and organizations… we could put fliers on the Dem table…
Wanting to do more I decided to build a mock oil well and put it on wheels, an oil well because Barbara’s opponent was campaigning for off shore oil drilling… On the oil well I put some signs “Barbara Boxer Boxer Shorts donations $10”… I sold out on the first of two days…

The year was 1992… and there was an euphoria on electing women… that started the époque of “My Dad the Feminist…” as my daughter Gal called it…After the election I joined a group which came out of Boxer campaigners… This group called itself DAWN… for Democratic Activist for Women Now… DAWN’s grass root charter was to get women elected in office and bring up women’s issues whenever needed…
After some time I got myself elected in the DAWN Board… I used to joke with them and called myself the “Token Male” in the Board…
After a few years in DAWN I received the GEM Award… GEM meaning Greatly Enlightened Male… but that was the period where I had started with crack… and lost my sense of direction… by direction I mean direction through life…

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



When I think back about my feelings a few years ago when the only thing that I cared for was my apathy… It was a way for me to escape… escape from my shame… from the bum I was becoming…
I remember one November calling Gal and telling her I was unable to come for Thanksgiving because I was intoxicated… and going to the Public Shelter for the holiday… I was seeing myself totally becoming a street based homeless… from picking cigarette butts and smoking them… to panhandling… and sleeping by the railroad tracks… and I totally lacked the willpower to get out of this vortex I was getting into…

How did I get out of this… I draw a total blank… I remember instances… and I could write a few more pages on how I felt… but I totally lack the desire of doing so…
Thanks to the Neuro Surgical team at Stanford… and my determination to go back to an earlier commitment…
A commitment to be a father to my daughters… a grandfather to my grandchildren… and a loving friend to all of you…

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hooked On Credit

Hooked On Credit

Are we hooked on credit… We find credit so convenient that we tend to forget that one day we have to pay it back… We even ignore that we have to pay interest… all this because we use the credit “which we earned”
Earned… give me a break… we are so bright that we agree to pay exorbitant fees to allow someone to charge us these fees because “we have good credit”… sounds complicated….
Try cash… it is simple… and cheaper than credit…

Credit comes from the Latin “credere”… which means to believe… So when you get credit you are believable… probably that is where “As Good As Your Word” and… “Cash is King”… comes from…well, I believe that deep inside me… I am a royalist…

Cash Only Please

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cash Only Please...


(an idea proposed by Ivo Adam and Bill Costley on 16 OCT 08)

Here we all are, passively awaiting the media-reported financial tsunami that will engulf the world, told a recession is almost upon us, but definitely not a Great Depression. No, they say (so far) that it’s just a credit crunch, so credit is hard to get: banks won’t lend to each other, so people & companies can’t get necessary credit from any bank. Credit is just drying up.

What can we personally do about it? Get a little saner, quickly. Stop using credit just one day a week. The amount of credit available will increase that one day's worth while the bank consortia that are behind American Express, MasterCard, and VISA, etc. will suffer the loss of that one day’s carrying charges. If you roll that one-day-per-week between Monday to Sunday & back, it will strike rolling terror into the consortias' fiscal hearts as their constant cash-flow income becomes less & less predictable.

What does this do for you? If you are living too much on credit, you now have taken one credit-day off a week to try to come to your fiscal senses & spend cash or spend nothing at all. One day when you say to the spending world “(I) Pay in Cash Only, Please!” (as some Chinese restaurants in San Francisco’s Chinatown say every day.) Just after WW2 cash (or a valid personal check) was really the only acceptable medium of exchange. People were very selective, super-cautious about what they bought, making things last longer. They darned their sox, rather than discarded them, etc. Ask your mom or grandmom, who will remember.

Celebrate this truly liberating Credit-Off, Cash-Only Day totally alone, or with your friends, or in small Cash-Only clubs. You reward is: saving all carrying charges. Result: Your savings should instantly begin to increase. Your sense of being out of fiscal control should begin to end. You will shed excess-debt weight. You will soon begin to feel you're in fighting fiscal trim.

To respond to this idea, please e-mail: or to see the blog go to:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Father

My Father

A few days ago was my father’s ninetieth birthday… or to be more precise… would have been… he died a few years ago… We were far from being close… but he was my father…

When my father, Ennio Attias, was eighteen he told his father, Raoul Attias, that he wanted to be a car mechanic… instead of working in his father’s Import Export business… Being the only son that passed very badly with the family…
My father went to the Ford dealer in Alexandria, Egypt looking for a job… he was assigned an engine and told to clean it thoroughly… being alone in that section he was unable to find someone to help him pick up the engine from the floor… so he picked the engine on his own…

He fainted and woke up in the hospital after having gone through emergency surgery… Unfortunately the surgeon had left a scalpel in Ennio’s kidney… It was discovered a while later after intensive bleeding and a messed up kidney for the rest of his life…

After that he went to work with his father…

When my father divorced my mother… I was angry… and stayed angry for a number of years… but I was polite with him and with his wife… even though I hated her… for stealing my father away… but I was always courteous…

Years later when I was in Milano I used to see them on Saturday afternoons, unless it rained, at a café in the Parco Sempione… It was very relaxing, surrounded by green… with a medieval castle in the background… It’s the closest to nature that we can find in Milano… my father used to say…

Years later after I moved to the US… I usually scheduled my weekends in Milano for a variety of reasons… one of them was go for a haircut… go shopping…and have lunch at my father’s… On one of these trips my father told me that his business had gone sour… due to market loss to the Japanese…
His business was the export of rubber sole presses to shoe manufacturers… Apparently there were some five or six Italian manufacturers who held a quasi monopoly of these presses… One day they got an order from Japan… and a year after delivery the Japanese offered the same press for half the price…
My father had to close the business and look for a job…

Trying to help I spoke to my Italian distributor, Pietro Bonoldi, and asked him to see if he could find my father a job… whether in his company or with one of his associates…
In doing this I knew that I was leaning very heavily on Pietro… but I had to do my best… Ennio was my father after all… even though he was in his mid sixties…

He was hired as account receivable manager and stayed with the company for fifteen years until it was sold and went out of business…

Monday, October 13, 2008

It Felt Like S...

It Felt Like S…

That’s the feeling I had when the judge gave me sixty days in County Jail… like s…

Some months before I was arrested for possession of crack cocaine… they gave me two year probation… i.e. stay clean for two years… In that period I had to go for urine test every two weeks… and to court every two to three months…

The last time my urine test was positive and the judge gave me sixty days in County Jail…
In view of my (Parkinson) condition… and my age… they put me in protective custody…or PC… which meant being locked in a cell with another inmate for twenty three hours… and then let out for an hour a day…

The main thing about jail is the total loss of control… the guards or C O as they liked to be called made it a point of controlling your life… Purposely they wake you up in the middle of the night and change your cell… or anything else to make you lose control… like put everyone in chains when transported to Court…very humiliating…

On the other hand… if one thinks it through… these COs are going to stay there much more than sixty days… probably the rest of their lives… and this is far from being with the best of companies…

This feeling of impotence… of total loss of ones dignity is a memory that will be very hard for me to forget…

What Am I...

What am I…

As I was sitting on a public square in Palo Alto… kind of listening a man speaking loudly… to anyone who wished to listen… about the state of affairs of the world… I started wondering whether I was part of this man’s world…
How did I get out of that… and to what did I leave it for…
Being a bum is sad to the extreme… because when you wake up to nothing… there is nothing to do about it… except to find money to buy alcohol, or drugs, so you can return to that world of oblivion… sad…

And what do I do now… well, first I have motivation… motivation to be the Ivo I used to be… to be the Ivo that is there for the family… and to draw satisfaction in seeing Sharon and Gal smiling… and to be there for them when in need… whether it is to take Dahlia to the Exploratorium… or read Goodnight Moon on Tikva’s grave…

All these things are only possible with a “real” Ivo… who stays real and refuses any excuse for returning into oblivion… like my dear friend Jair… who’s final step was to end his life because he was unable to see anything but oblivion in his future…

Saturday, October 11, 2008



What is normal… I ask myself… is it the state I am now, after my Deep Brain Stimulation surgery… after my compulsive behavior… end of my addiction…
Now that I have a chance of looking at life and say to myself… Yes Ivo you can be… Cogito Ergo Sum… I think therefore I am… I remember when I was in rehab I told this sentence to a friend and he liked the fact that he could think… and therefore be… unfortunately he left the rehab and went off drinking… I was sorry that he left… and hope he took his being along… and one day return to normalcy…

Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Crack Smoking Bum...

A Crack Smoking Bum…

That is what I was reduced to two and a half years ago… without any future in sight… I was spending my social security check within a week of reception… and associated myself with other addicts living on the fringe… I was living in various rented beds in halfway centers… and saying to myself “Ivo, you must stop this crack…” it was a sentence I was repeating to myself constantly… and I continued smoking… and I tried other drugs…which luckily I disliked…

The other thing which I had was my Parkinson tremors… I was shaking all over and the only way to stop it was take more medicine… Requip to be precise… I was taking five to seven pills a day…(the limit was four a day)…
Little did I know of any effects Requip created… all I knew was that it was stopping my tremor… even though I was sleepy and acted in a totally lethargic manner… I just was void of any liking or caring about myself… and I wanted more drugs…

But I still had something left in me… I decided to try going to a rehab and hope it to be the last time… So I packed all my stuff, books, clothes and furniture and spent the next two months putting it in storage… with that done I went to Horizon South to detoxicate my body and my soul… I had finished being a crack smoking bum…

By sheer coincidence I received a letter from Stanford Hospital inviting me to go for some tests and explore my aptitude for Deep Brain Surgery… That procedure was recommended by my doctor some six to eight months back…

While performing these tests… I informed the neurologist on my taking Requip… she immediately asked me if I had developed any compulsive behavior, like gambling… having learned about compulsive behavior the day before in my rehab class I immediately told her YES and it is called crack cocaine…

Having heard that she immediately took me off Requip… and the rest is history…

Bad Timing

Bad Timing

After six years at Shugart you would imagine that I accumulated a decent amount of stock options… to be truthful a few months after I joined the company... I received a packet from Sunnyvale… I was living in Paris at that time… indicating that I was granted stock options to the tune of five hundred shares… I was elated because thinking European five hundred shares is a lot… I delayed any discussion on stock options until I talk to my boss in person…
Then a few months later I was informed that we were being acquired by the giant Xerox… and that my 500 shares would be converted to three hundred and forty Xerox shares… That was the time I realized that five hundred shares was very little… and it was too late to change it…

A few years later when I was at Maxtor I made sure I was granted sufficient stock options…. several tens of thousands… and I held on to them quite q while… the company was doing well and I loved my work… then when the stock tripled I decided to sell most of my stock… The shares were valued at $14.5 and rising… so before going on a trip I was about to take… I gave a sell order at fifteen dollars… and signed all the papers necessary… the date was August 1 1991… two days later Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait… and Maxtor shares traded at three dollars… and never reached the teens…

Bad timing…

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oops... Wrong Turn

Oops… Wrong Turn

As I was driving home, I took the University Avenue exit off 101… the traffic was intense so I decided to try turning left and find a shortcut…
I saw a supermarket and… since I needed some stuff I parked my car and went in this Supermercado…
What I saw shocked me… there was less choices than at Safeway… only three miles away… and… the prices were higher… the only thing they had more choices than in my local market was tortillas…
I started asking myself… Why… why are there less choices and higher prices than a few miles away… where there is a choice of three supermarkets… do the poor have more money than the rich… I asked myself…

This was my first encounter with East Palo Alto… the city on the wrong side of the freeway…

Sunday, October 5, 2008


A Time for Reflection

A little over a year ago I was having lunch with some old friends and David Johns said “Ivo you should write a book”… and that is when and where it all began… thanks to the “blog” invention I managed to write a few chapters… and I shall continue… promised…

Friday, October 3, 2008


Adambyte… Why it Failed

In early nineties I got afflicted with start-up fever and decided to start a company… so I went to Comdex and methodically went through every aisle of all three huge halls to see what was the next revolution going to be…
One product line which was promising was Laptops… and there you had one dominant computer… the Apple Powerbook… The Powerbook was a real computer… while all other had limited capabilities…
The other development was with video presentation software… although quite a large amount of storage was needed…
By adding these two developments I decided to explore the possibility of selling a storage box for the Powerbook… and Adambyte was born…

After preparing a business plan… and checking the technical feasibility
Off I went to Boston at an Apple show to do some market research… The show was split in two sites… and there was a shuttle bus… which took fifteen to twenty minutes… I spent most of the day in the shuttle bus… doing about eight round trips… and every time I was sitting next to someone else… all of them Apple users… and I had their devoted attention for twenty minutes… the reaction was enthusiastic… insufficient storage was the main drawback of the Powerbook…

With that positive reaction I was convinced to start the company… I raised some money from private investors… and a larger amount from my savings… and we built a product… the Adambyte Powerbox…

The big problem I had was under capitalization and consignment… I succeeded in securing an order from a large distributor for two hundred Powerboxes (at $2,000 each)… but the payment terms was 30 to 45 days after they sell the Powerboxes… and they would return the unsold Powerboxes…

With such terms it was impossible for me to secure a bank loan… but I had one more card to play… Corporate Account…

Tandem Computers were interested in my Powerbox to give to their sales force for them to use when making a video presentation… they needed over one hundred Powerboxes…

On the day I was scheduled to finalise the order… I received a phone call from the purchasing manager… where he informed me that the company put a freeze on capital equipment… by orders of the Chairman…

When I heard that I decided to pull the plug on Adambyte…

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Survival or Success

Survival or Success

What’s in a word… if you are in advertising it has to be the right one…

As I settled in Shugart as Director of Sales… I got more involved in our ads… and the message they conveyed…
At that time we were launching a new product and had a warehouse full of this new product waiting for our customers to finish their development…
Since the product needed an extra card… (sometimes hard to get) I had the bright idea to sell the product in a kit form… The disk drive (8”) the card and cable set… We agreed to go on an ad campaign and asked our P&R and ad people to come out with an ad…

After a week they came up with “SURVIVAL KIT”… and a sub text saying “Let us help you with our survival kit”…
That ad appalled me… there was a negative connotation in that ad… so I changed it to “SUCCESS KIT”… and sold out the product…

Some time later I joined the French company Bull and opened a US subsidiary called Cynthia Peripherals… The name came from the French tradition of naming a project by looking at the date on the Saint Calendar… and naming the project by the closest woman’s name… thus Cynthia…
The product was a ten and a half inch disk drive… which was a unique dimension… but since I had a very large advertising budget… I blocked the back page of every Computer System News (the most popular publication at that time) for my dramatic ad…

The ad consisted of a huge bright yellow lightning bolt and the text saying… “The Ten and a half Commandments”… followed by some gibberish on the product…



Dahlia is a princess…
She dresses as one on every occasion…
Or maybe it is her attitude that makes her a princess…
She is a curious princess… asking questions all the time…
Nonno, she asked… how did you stop the shaking of your arm…
I went to the hospital and they put some wires in my head…
And that stopped my shaking…
Will it stop it for ever and ever… she asked…
I hope so, I said…
Nonno, I love you… said Dahlia

What an angel is this grand daughter of mine… :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rosh Hashana

With Rosh Hashana approaching I have… in the past days… received a number of emails wishing me Happy New Year… and those who new about Tikva... wishing me a better year…

That made me think…
"Why do these wishes bother me…"
I then realised... that i felt, and still feel, Tikva's presence…
and her passage as a blessing... of the holiest kind...
Happy New Year Tikva..
You are nearer and nearer to my heart…

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friend or Foe

Friend or Foe

In one of the trips to Europe I was scheduled to go to Greece and interview a prospective distributor… It was quite a while since I was in Athens… so I decided to spend the week-end and go and see Bouli Kazis who was a classmate at BBS in Alexandria… we spend the time catching up on our lives and that of other classmates…

At one point he brought out some old pictures amongst whom there were some boy scout pictures… One of them showed a classmate called Mohamad Galal… Galal and I had been together in the same class since sixth grade… and even though we were far from being close… the fact that we were in the same scout troop… we spent quite some time together… I asked Bouli if he knew where was Galal…

“Galal died” said Bouli… “He was killed in the six day war”…

I was in Israel during the six day war…

Mohamad Galal was the enemy… or was he?

That left me in such a distress… that I remained in shock for a very long time…



When I moved here, I started dealing with the Japanese… Having studied Japanese economics in college… and having written my thesis on The Japanese Electronics Industry… This gave me some familiarity in dealing with the Japanese…

Our business with the Japanese was growing into a joint development and manufacturing of a low cost disk drive… and… as they say… the devil is in the details… the work was tedious… and one must be very attentive during the negotiations…

On one of these occasions, negotiations were proceeding at snail pace they were probably trying to wear us out… the procedure was as follows…
There was an easel pad at the head of the table… we were sitting on one side and the Japanese across from us… We took turns on writing on the easel our position… when we finished with a pad we left it on a side table and started a new one… After four days we had finished five pads and started a sixth… I was tired and wanted to finish these dreary negotiations and fly home… It was at that moment that I noticed my Japanese counterpart write on the easel their latest position… and I remembered that this was the position he had written three or four days before… realizing that this was my chance for a breakthrough…

I jumped out of my chair… and looked through the old pads while shouting to the Japanese… our hosts… that the deal is dead because they are dishonorable… without any respect for our integrity… At that point I found their position in an older pad… and they were both identical… proving that they really were wearing us… or trying to…

As I was packing… ready to leave… my Japanese counterpart pulled out his white handkerchief and waved it… meaning “I surrender”…
At that point the rest of the negotiations went smoothly and rapidly…

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Finance Money and Debt

Finance, Money and Debt

During the past ten years my tremors were very intense and I was taking large amounts of Parkinson medication… called Requip… little did I know that this medication had a side effect of causing compulsive behavior…
When I heard that I realized that my cocaine addiction… added to my loose spending of all my lifesavings… to the tune of one million dollars… were “my compulsive behavior”

Luckily my Neurologist had me cease taking Requip… and after my Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery I was able to instantaneously cease “all drug activity…” To say that I ceased all loose spending is superfluous because I had already spent all my money… living on my Social Security monthly check…

In these days… all I hear on the news is on how our finance genii managed to spend, and/or will spend, sums in excess of a trillion dollars to ”bail out the banks”… They informed and assured us (the citizens) that these are monies well spent… otherwise the global economy will crash into a major disaster…

During my loose spending days I managed to max out all my credit cards… five or six of them each with a fifteen thousand dollars credit limit…
I wonder what I can do to have this debt “bailed out”.



I had found Paradise… The Paradise to be precise… It lay in my back yard… It was a hammock… it lay hanging between two trees…
I would often lay on the hammock… sometimes with Sharon, sometimes with Gal… Some of the times Tofu, my cat, would jump up and lay next to me… but often I was on my own… Lying down and contemplating the peace and quiet around me…
I could see it when I opened the shades in my bedroom… or from my living room… It was there… as if to say I am here…
We often had the visit of raccoons… I noticed them swaying and playing on the hammock too…
If there is one regret that I have on my past… If there is one feeling that I miss it’s the sense of serenity that I drew from my laying on my hammock…
I remember once I had a friend over from Milano… Pietro Bonoldi… When he saw and tried laying on the hammock he said:
“Now I understand why you are without a vacation home… you live in one.”

I am writing this while I listen to some news program… I am listening to the abhorrent news of thousands of small children who have been knowingly poisoned with tainted powder milk… For The Sole Reason Of Increasing The Companies’ Profits…
Where has this world gone to…
Can I put this paragraph on the same page… of course… You need all types to make a world… Welcome to the world…

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Back in eighty two I was in Galveston for a sales meeting… Driving across town I noticed the street names by letters A street B street etc., then there were half streets… names like N1/2 street and P1/2 street were found… I was told that after a hurricane reconstruction in the sixties they came up with extra streets…
I guess the City of Galveston may resort to proper names…or go metric.

“How is it that we exist…” this is one of the principal questions asked by the CERN colider staff… just imagine if they succeed… how shall we know that we have an answer… or many answers…
I just heard that the colider has a helium leak and may need a couple of months to fix it… I guess that we will have to wait another two months before we know the answer to our existence… will we… I wonder…
If we knew how we exist… then we would have less questions to ask on our existence… shall we have answers as to how is it that we keep killing each other… since that entails to the destruction of whoever we are killing… how is it that we exist…

When in Paris, we used to spend Saturdays at my aunt Lina for lunch… we were watching the lunch news on TV… Gal was around five when we were watching some violence on the news when Gal said “Why are they fighting, they can do like Sadat and Begin and make peace.”
That was Gal’s first involvement with peace… A decade later she started a Peace Club in high school… and raised money to go to the Soviet Union and participate in a group called Peace Child.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Generation Gap

Generation Gap

I read the news today… oh boy… yes, that is, or was, my generation…

Of course I can put it (the music) in an I-Pod and voila… Now all I need are earphones… and I have the complete attire for this new generation… The next step is to text message some people on a when where and what time…to meet…
Then at the precise time and place… the people start dancing to the music… music in their I-Pod…
So if you pass by a park or square and see a bunch of young people moving in silence… they are I-Pod dancing… or whatever they call it… One thing though… they are sure to respect any noise ordinance…

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



So we moved to America… land of opportunity… and we left France…land of holy food… I remember making the rounds telling the key customers I was moving to the USA… One of these customers Mr. Claude Maurice gave me an unexpected answer… he was a traditionally French businessman… “vieille France”…
He said “Mr. Adam you are right to leave France, because in this country… you are either a crook or a fool…If you succeed you must have done something illegal… and if you fail you must be a fool for failing… “

Why did I move to California… leave a land with such history… a land with such culture… and ultimately a land with such good wines… As I tell the people who ask… culture goes with wine very well… when you sit with a friend and a bottle of wine… the discussion as always full of culture… as far as history… what history… the only really historical artifact I can see in Paris is the Obelisque in Place de la Concorde…

Having said that… I was moving in the opposite of Kafka… Italy translated Kafka into Latin first… then into Italian… and tried to adapt it to the Pax Romana… Israel took Kafka as the Jewish Guide to Government… While the French are still believing that Charles De Gaulle’s “Grandeur” is still the guiding principal ruling France…

What I found coming to the United States is a “can do” attitude throughout the Silicon Valley… without any prejudice on being a fool or a crook…

Monday, September 15, 2008

Never a Dull Moment...

Never a Dull Moment….

“Life with you is never monotonous…” said Orit…
“You mean life is interesting…”I responded…
“No, I said not monotonous… and there is a difference…”
I guess, in her way, she wanted more monotony or more structure… while I was going gung ho… ready to conquer the world…

When we moved to Paris… Orit was elated… being born in France it was a homecoming… she knew the language (French was her mother tongue)… she knew the brand names in the supermarket… in the markets etc. … We often went to the movies,… and to dinner after… Paris had a multitude of cinemas… and more restaurants to explore…

Work was hard in the first couple of years… I traveled a lot… I counted one hundred and eighty four flights in the first year… unfortunately in that era frequent flier mileage were yet to be invented…
I had appointed a network of distributors throughout Europe… and I kept hammering on their heads to go after every single customer… my hundred percent doctrine…
We were successful… and these distributors made a lot of money… the other reason for our success was my switching focus… Once the smaller customer’s needs were taken care by the distributors… I focused on the larger customers… by utilizing the distributor as local agent… since the distributor was so successful with their hundred percent… they cooperated very willingly…

Once we were successful throughout Europe… I reminded my boss that he had promised to sponsor my move to California… when we get a majority of the European business… and I showed him that, after three years, we had sixty five percent of the market…

So I moved to the US… It was the summer of Seventy Eight…



There are two types of things in this universe…
The ones that die… and the indestructible...
Actually the indestructible should be called unscheduled…
The ones that die are all the plants and animals…
They are the ones who have a predestined end of life…
The unscheduled are the rocks and other material in this universe…
If I am correct, the unscheduled are the ones without DNA…
Without DNA means they are without life…
What is the meaning of without life…
Without life in the concept of a rock…
A rock that came out of a volcano…
As molten lava… or as gas in the air

But my Tikva had a DNA… she had a body that was fighting…
Fighting to stay alive… until she was so exhausted that she went away…
But she stayed with us as gas in the air… or as molten lava…

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Disk Drives

Disk Drives

I am in computers… that’s my answer when asked about my job(s)… and to say it… it’s the truth I joined IBM in 1962 and I’ve been in that business ever since…

Computers can be divided in three parts… the processor and memory… the storage device or disk drive… and the software…
The processor and memory are the engines that runs the computer… and are built into computer chips…
The disk drives are the note pads you take your notes on…
The software is the language that gives the instructions to the processor…

I was in the note pad business… i.e. disk drives…

Friday, September 12, 2008



Scientific Data Systems, Israel… was a disk drive manufacturer founded by Max Palewski, owner of SDS… After the euphoria which followed the Six Day War, the Israeli Finance Minister went to wealthy Jewish businessmen asking them to help Israel get into Hi Tech development and manufacturing…

SDS was a mainframe computer manufacturer… they also designed and manufactured head per track disk drives for their computers… Mr. Palewski founded SDSI, this Israeli subsidiary, with the vocation to manufacture the current, and future, fixed head disk drives.
A few months after SDSI’s manufacturing started... Max Palewski sold SDS… including their share in SDSI to Xerox… this implied that SDSI had lost its major customer… before even starting…

By 1971 the company had developed a new product, the Minidisk, specifically designed for the Digital Equipment, PDP market… out I went to sell the Minidisk in Southern Europe… My territory was France and Italy… being a start-up, coming from a country unknown for Hi Tech production… the market was impenetrable… almost…

The job at SDSI brought me back to Europe… in more ways than one… Life in Israel was hard in the seventies… full of tension… the optimism of the post Six Day War era dissipated… mostly because of political bickering… and inability of the leadership to offer a solution for a lasting peace… Adding to the tension was the cost of living difference between Israel and Europe…

For that reason, I actively seeked employment in Europe… and found it… in Paris…

Hebrew University

Hebrew University…

Life in academics… a vacation from everyday life pressures… almost…
In addition to my TV repair… during the second year I secured a job as research assistance with my favorite professor… initially, I had to go through the University Microfilm publication and find anything dealing with Japanese economics… I also used the mainframe computer tabulating data… it was very interesting and tempting… tempting to go for a Masters in Economics…

One day Professor Blumental called me in and asked me if I would be interested in going to Japan for a four year period… apparently he was in discussion with Moshe Zandberg (later Zambar) who was Director of the Ministry of Finance… his offer was to send to Japan, as Commercial attaché… a person who is well versed in Japan’s economy and who could focus on promoting commerce between the two countries…
It sounded appealing… so I said yes, lets continue to explore…

Unfortunately Mr. Zandberg was promoted to Director of the Bank of Israel… and his successor had other priorities in mind…

I was still looking at going somewhere for a Masters… but I had to finish my classes… One class that I disliked was Managerial Accounting… At the eve of the final exam… I tried to join some friends for study… and I almost abandoned… I went to the test anyway… There were two questions worth 20% each… and one question worth 60%… I answered the two small questions… and wrote on the test sheet…
”Please note that my daughter was born four days ago and it was impossible for me to prepare for the test”…
…I passed the test with 51%… Thank you Gal…

The birth of my daughter changed a lot… in my perspective of life…
It’s time to take life seriously and find a job… a real job…

Luckily, Robi called me from Haifa and offered me a job in a new computer company called SDSI… they were making disk drives and needed a Sales Engineer…



Jerusalem… a holy city… or a very holy city… a lot has changed in the demographics of this city in the last half century… it is therefore more adequate that I stay with the times and look at my life in the late sixties…
In those days there was a state of euphoria… the mood was much less bellicose and the whole population… Jews… Arabs and Haredi (Religious Jews) were learning to live with each other… with respect.
I remember having some cabinets done in my kitchen and sitting and drinking coffee with the carpenter (the one in via dolorosa) who was a Christian and his helper, who was a Moslem and me the Jew… sitting quietly sipping the coffee together…

Back to school… I enjoyed being a student where the major worry is to finish a paper… or study for an exam… we were still going to the movies… we saw “Yellow Submarine” and “Woodstock”… “A Man for All Seasons” and “Tora Tora”…

As new immigrants we had the right to an apartment from the Jewish Agency… so off we went to stake our claim… we were told to “Get Married First”… and I said “What guarantees will you give me… that I will get the apartment then…” “You give us an apartment and we get married”… we played tug of war for a few months… then I got the call… I ran to the Jewish Agency (luckily only a dozen blocks from home) and was given an address… “You will get this apartment if you get married within two weeks”… I went to see the apartment and liked it…
Next… I called my mother (who was living in Haifa) and told her we would be getting married the next Tuesday… “I am busy Tuesday… I have a cocktail party”…said my Mom…
So I said… “OK let’s make it Wednesday”…
At this moment Orit walks in and says “What’s new…”
“We are getting married next Wednesday… and we have an apartment” said I….

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Eilat... and Beyond

Eilat… and Beyond

That is how I met Orit…. On the beach… we were in Eilat for three days… and when it was time to go back Robi asked me if Orit was coming with us… I asked her if she wanted to come to Haifa… and she said Yes!

And that is how it started… she was living in Tel Aviv… which is an hour drive from Haifa… we were taking the bus… or a sherut (cab) constantly… we almost crossed each other a couple of times… so we decided that it was better for her to move to Haifa… and stay together till University starts… Orit too was planning to go to Hebrew U.
In all these years… it was the first time that a girl “move in” with me… yes I had a multitude of women stay with me… for a few days… or weeks… but that was a first…

It was fun… we really enjoyed each other’s company… went to the movies a lot (it was the golden period of French and Italian movies)… from “L’Aventura” to “A bout de souffle”, from “Clockwork Orange” to “2001 Space Odysseus”… from “Blow Out” to “Jules et Jim”… we also liked going to the beach… and went almost every other week-end to Nof Yam, a kibbutz run beach bungalows resort in Caesarea, on the beach amongst Roman ruins… Caesarea was a main port for the Roman navy some two millennia ago…

Through some friends we found a room in Jerusalem, in Rehavia of all places (one of the most plush districts in Jerusalem)… the room had some furniture but needed a bed… so I went to the old city and found a carpenter on the via dolorosa… which I found very appropriate… a carpenter on the via dolorosa… (via dolorosa is the way another famous carpenter, Jesus, walked carrying his cross) and three days later we had our cheap bed…

School started and I had to overcome two problems… the first is to become a student… seven years had passed since I was a student… I had to get used to studying… that was the hardest… luckily I was studying with Orit in the same room… and watching her study gave me a boost of encouragement… and I got into the mood… The second problem was find a job… it was easier than I thought… I walked to a few TV stores asking if they were looking for a repair technician… and found a job immediately…

Meanwhile we kept going to the movies… and saw amongst others “Les Jeux Interdit”… Sergio Leone’s “Il Buono il Brutto e il Cattivo”… the British movies “The knack” and “Morgan”…

Monday, September 8, 2008



As I decided to become a university student I left the kibbutz and returned to Haifa and to Elbit….I needed money for my studies so I went back to work… I was excited to know that I was going to university in less than a year… meanwhile I was a twenty four years old happy camper…
One day as I was working my boss came in the lab with a young guy… clearly a volunteer who came to Israel after the six day war… and looking at the possibility of settling in Israel… my boss said “Ivo this is a volunteer from Italy”… It turned out that the volunteer was Robi Osimo with whom I went to ORT school in Milano…
Robi met Helen in the kibbutz they were volunteering and decided to get married… Robi got a job at Elbit and settled in Haifa… where he still lives… with his three children and a multitude of grandchildren…

In the spring of sixty eight, together with Robi and two other couples we decided to drive to Eilat for Independence day week-end… I was the only one single… but that was the last of my worries… “I’ll pick one at the beach,” I said… And that is exactly what I did… I eventually married Orit… and we remained a couple for eighteen years…

Sunday, September 7, 2008



So here I am… new city, new country… new friends… new language… new life… I guess that’s how gypsies feel when they move…and move… and move…
For that reason it was hard for me to detach myself from the kibbutz… I was visiting almost every week, hesitating on whether I wanted to return and apply for full membership… was I ready to become a farmer…
I made new friends in Haifa though… and the job was interesting… I found a neat apartment… and became famous for my spaghetti parties… I was detaching myself from the kibbutz… going there less often…
And then the war came… it lasted less than a week…. six day war, they called it… but with a lot of impact…
People die in wars… and in a small country where everyone knows everyone… it affects everyone… in one way or another…
Looking for a deeper meaning in life… I tried to going through the process and decide what I wanted to do with my life…
To decide I went to Netzer Sereni and asked them to accept me as a temporary member for a few months… I also asked to work on the second shift… just to be alone and think… naturally I quit my job at Elbit… I just found it difficult for me to see myself behind an oscilloscope for the rest of my life… design was fun… but it became boring after a while…

It was in the kibbutz… discussing with a visitor… that the idea of going to university came about… Although the idea of going to university appealed to me, the tuition cost was always an obstacle… What I found out from this visitor was the possibility of getting a scholarship form the Jewish Agency as a new immigrant… being assured of a scholarship I had to maneuver getting admitted in the Department of Economics…
I first went to the ORT school in Tel Aviv and have them ratify my diploma from ORT Milano…
With that done… I registered to the Physics Department at the Technion… pending passage of entrance exam…
With that done… I transferred to Physics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem…
With that done… I transferred to Physics and Mathematics at the Hebrew U…
With that done… I transferred to Economics and Statistics at the Hebrew U…
That is what they call working the system…

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Design a Computer

Design a computer…

That’s the job I found in Haifa… Elbit Computers was a start-up whose ambition was the design a commercial mini computer… by using DTL chip technology… Having zero experience in chip based design… my boss gave me a book on logic design to read… it was practically the first technical textbook in English I had to read… and understand… Since I left Egypt… all technical literature I had read were in Italian… with this book I managed getting back to technical English… actually I liked the subject… I found it very interesting…

As for the languages I used… it is in itself a story…
When I was born, the first language I learned was Italian… I still count in Italian… When I was four, my mother (at the advice of my great uncle Edmond) put me in an English kindergarten, called the Home-Craft House… at age six I went to the British Boys School and stayed in that school until I left Egypt…
English became my principal language from age six to fourteen… I multiply and divide in English… which became my mother language… also because I spoke English with my mother…
Italian remained my first language… but as time passed… and at my school (BBS)…in Egypt, they taught French as second language… and Arabic as third language…

I read my first Italian book when I moved to Italy… what I lacked was a basic grammatical knowledge of the Italian language… but that was overcome…

English was quickly becoming my surrounding’s language of choice…
Later on, when I was in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem… I noted that practically all the textbooks were in English…

My knowledge of English helped me at the kibbutz to understand and decipher Bob Dylan… LP records (now called vinyls) at that time lacked the lyrics in the back of the record… I ended up being an expert in deciphering Bob Dylan’s intonations…

After the kibbutz, as I spent more time in Haifa, where I developed my knowledge of Hebrew… while reading books and weekly magazines in English…

Life in the kibbutz was totally new to me, it was village life… but a different type of village… the children in the kibbutz all live in a dorm till the age of eighteen,… when they go to the army… They then move to the young single’s section… where they live either in single or dual occupancy apartments… till they get married and move to the married section…
Another difference between European village life and life in the kibbutz is the level of education of the kibbutznik (a person from a kibbutz)… The people who settled, and founded a kibbutz, were ideologists who made it a lifetime goal to found a Jewish state. .. Most of these members had one or more college degrees… very pleasant and interesting people. Other older members were liberated from Buchenwald concentration camp,.. and they had also very interesting stories to tell…
The younger members (my age) had all finished high school, and were very interested in world affaires.

One event which I remember… occurred in the mid sixties when a retired Israeli general, Moshe Dayan, visited South Vietnam… at the invitation of general Westmorland… Dayan went as a journalist… He ended his report with one question… If the USA asks Israel to send Israeli troops in Vietnam… would you go and fight… I remember the hours we spent discussing this hypothesis…

Years later I was reading David Ben Gurion’s (the father of the State of Israel) memoir… and there was a section where Ben Gurion was in Paris discussing France’s support of a Jewish state… He was staying on the top floor of a small hotel in Rue de Rivoli… In the room next door was another guest of the French government… Ben Gurion and this gentlemen spent hours discussing their mutual problrms… At the end of their discussion, the gentleman said to Ben Gurion… “If you run out of luck with the establishment of your Jewish state… I will give you a piece of Vietnam”… the gentleman was Ho Chi Minh.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Arriving in Israel, I took a bus to Tel Aviv and went to the kibbutz organization and asked to join a kibbutz… For how long they asked and I frankly said, I imagine a few months… I came this far (from Milano…). So they sent me to Kibbutz Netzer Sereni, which was an Italian kibbutz, i.e. had a percentage of Italian members who founded this kibbutz…

Here I am after having lived in big cities all my life… learning how to be a farmer… wake up at six o’clock and on to the fields, or orchards, till three in the afternoon… with only half an hour for lunch… in Italy we had two hours break, while in Greece we had a four hour siesta… Eventually I got used to it… and I made some lasting friends…

Language wise I spoke mostly English… Italian with a few… and French with others... but there were some members who spoke neither… One day I ended up pairing with Mordi, who spoke only Hebrew… we were working with the bee hives… I got suited with a mask on my face, and so did he, but his hands were gloveless… he was telling me something in Hebrew which I failed to understand… after some time my hands were itching… but I ignored it… we ended early and I went back to my room and crashed…
When I woke up, I noticed that both my hands were swollen… I saw Mordi in the dining room that evening and he laughed saying… I told you to wear gloves… at that point I decided to learn Hebrew…

Life in the kibbutz is very sheltered… sheltered from the hustle and bustle of the big city.
Life in the kibbutz is like a vacation from the preoccupations of career, money, etc.,
In the kibbutz the concept of money is lacking... if you need something you go to the store and get it, whether it is cigarettes or tubes of paint for a portrait…
The kibbutz protects you from all that…
But in the kibbutz you live with thirty to three hundred people… and these are the only people of the village… coming from the city it was very hard for me adapt to this village life…
I lasted almost two years in Netzer Sereni.



Greece, the birthplace of democracy… it’s good to be back with history… yes I know there was lots of history in Italy… both Ancient Roman and more modern… but having been born in Egypt… and having lived most of my life across the street from the Museum of Antiquity in Alexandria… antiques are a sign of history… and history is life…

The Greeks live their life with history omnipresent… with any act they may perform… they always remember history and mythology… it is fascinating to be surrounded with history people… all the time…
With the possible exception of the French (and the Bostonians)… the Greeks are the only people who believe that they “are history”…

Other than admiring the beauties of Greece, as in feminine beauties… I started looking for work… and through some persistence and good luck, I found a job with the Univac agent… as a computer operator… which, in those days was very important… After a month or so of doing nothing… I finally was given a “very important work”… I needed to print a list of all Greek owned cargo ships… to collect the data I was given two books, which contained about half the data… the other half were hand written notes… and newspaper clippings…
The first part was data collection… to create a punched card for every ship… and then there was the various tables of data to print…

I was told that the work was needed in ten days… I said impossible… I’ll need that much just to punch the data… so my boss intervened and assigned me two typists for that… so I figured that I would try and make it…
During that job, the customer (working for an insurance company) was keeping putting pressure by asking me is it ready… is it ready…
On the review date of day twelve I decided to surprise both my boss and the customer by presenting him with the complete work…
I remember saying to him… “I hope you are satisfied” he laughed and said
“Yes thank you, but I meant thirty days when I asked for ten days.”

I had just finished reading Exodus by Leon Uris… and for once I felt something inside me… Zionism…

I quit my job, and took the first ship to Haifa, Israel.

Monday, September 1, 2008



Here I was in the world of IBM… It felt like entering the holy temple of IBM… In the orientation class they speak about Senior Management as if they were Saints (with capital S)… and Saints in Italy were considered the genii of the holy cross…
There were two signs on almost every wall… the picture of Thomas Watson… and THINK, the company motto.
This extended family is one you belong forever, even after you leave the company.

It had been over twenty years since I had worked for IBM, and I visited IBM Florida R&D facility for a meeting… At first they were very cold and formal… but after a few minutes I tried breaking the ice and told them that I had worked for IBM Italy as a CE on the 632… I noticed a much more relaxed atmosphere during the rest of the meeting.

Living in Milano offered numerous diversions… and I roamed in various districts until I found one to my liking… it was called Brera, name of the art academy next door. I found much more affinity with the people there… also artists, or wannabe artists, were much more open… especially if I compared them to the IBM crowd I was working with…
Leading a conservative life during the day… and follow it with Bohemian nights was fun, but was getting strenuous… Lack of sleep forced me to take wake-up pills… Metedrine.
I took these pills during the week and slept on week-ends… that lasted for a while…

At work they trained us to write down the time we started a job and when we finished. I remember starting a job, and marking the time, and when I finished I looked at my watch and discovered I had spent two hours on that job… that job usually took twenty minutes…
I realized it was the effects of the Metedrine pills (the precursor to Metanphetamine, or speed), and I had to stop this life… I went to the office and handed my resignation, telling everyone that I was going to Greece on a long vacation… I spent the night celebrating till the wee hours… it was around three o’clock in the morning and I was exhausted… as I was close to a park, I found a piece of cardboard and went to sleep amongst the bushes…
It was some bird tweaking which woke me up… I opened my eyes and saw a few birds about five centimeters away… they were looking at me, as if to say good morning, how are you today…

Two Years

Two Years…

Yesterday at noon I went to Horizon South Detox Center for a meeting… there was a weekly meeting and a Chip meeting… And when asked who had two years sobriety, I proudly stood up and got my two year Chip…
This was particularly important for me, especially since the past weekend I had my (Cyborg II) generator broken and I was shaking all over… it would have been impossible for me to go anywhere, especially at Horizon South…
Looking beyond this generator incident… it has been over TWO YEARS that I have been without drugs… of any kind.
During my addiction, before I realized that I had a compulsive behavior, I was so apathetic that I tried a variety of “highs”… but (luckily) they left me as indifferent as before… so I stopped everything but Crack cocaine… until my Neurologist took me off the medication which caused my compulsive behavior (called Requip and Mirapex)… and thus ending my drug addiction.
Two Years…
Happy Birthday, Ivo

I Remember

I remember
Once I came to see you and you were awake with your eyes open… so I read you goodnight moon… showing you the pages… those colorful pages of that wonderful book.

You were soo happy to see these colors, following every page with attention… you broke my heart my sweet little Tikva… I felt you so close that our hearts touched each other…
Rest in peace my little angel…
You will always be in my heart… in your Nonno’s heart… forever

Seven Years

Seven years…

Seven years is the time I was made Italian… or to be precise…
Seven years is the time I was made Milanese
Ninety three… that’s the number of ties I have in my closet… proof of my Milanese identity…
When I was in Milano I realized that life needed passion… and although I had my share of adventures they lacked that “je ne sais quoi”…

One afternoon I was in the “centro” (downtown) and I stopped by a flower vendor and bought a rose, a single beautiful red rose…
I then walked around the centro looking for someone to give it to…
I saw an elegantly dressed woman in her forties window shopping…
I told her that I bought this rose because it was too beautiful to be alone…
Would she accept it… she was hesitant but she accepted and… thanked me with a big smile… I gave her the rose and left.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

W Milan

W Milan

One essential trait in growing up in Milan, or any other Italian city for that matter… is belonging… that sense of belonging you may find in the US when waving a national flag… except in Italy, and most of modern Europe, national flag waving are identified with neo-fascism…
Back to my belonging… as a young Italian male, I had to have a favorite team… Milan (red and black), Inter (blue and black) and Juve (black and white)… Milan and Inter were local Milanese teams… while Juve was from Torino (Juve was owned by Agnelli owner of Fiat)… I chose Milan because red and black were my school colors back in Alexandria, making me a Milanista, i.e. rooting for the Milan team…
The only problem I have with this is that Berlusconi (yes the clown who is prime minister of Italy) owns the AC Milan team putting me, and many others, in a very uncomfortable position… by the way the W in W Milan is short for Viva…

After three years of school, I graduated with a Diploma in Electronics… where I learned basics in electronics and television. As the school end approached I went to the British Consulate and got a list of UK television manufacturing companies and wrote them asking for a job in England, explaining that I was an alumnus of British education system and was looking to live in England…
As the summer approached, I spent two months vacationing in Greece until I received a telegram from my great uncle Edmond indicating that he had a job for me in Cambridge, England.

Cambridge was a dream… it reminded me of the dreams I had of “going to university”. Atmosphere was so relaxed in Cambridge, after the hectic Milano… everybody was biking… luckily after two days I met a guy who had an extra bike… I was living in the east part of town, some six miles out… so the bike was really handy…
Work-wise was less pleasant, my boss felt they should employ a young Englishman… so I went less often to work… and I had lots of fun… until I met by chance my boss’s niece and… I was given a train ticket to Milano … So off I went back to Milano, and found a job as television technician in a local factory.

One way of making extra money was installing UHF antennas on roofs, I had paired with a colleague, who was a carpenter and spent Saturdays and Sundays installing antennas, earning another half salary, if the weather was good…

After some three years as a television repairmen, with various companies… I finally found a job in computers… I was accepted a job at IBM.



An Oriundo is a person of native origin, i.e. a person whose ancestry is Italian in as my case… it was/is a terminology used by soccer players to allow them to join the Italian national team…
It also was a proof of my Italian roots… it gave me a sense of belonging… it was strange because until that moment I had lived in a city who was cosmopolitan “par excellence”… Yes, I was both Italian and Jewish and I identified with both… at times.

Luckily my father, who had been living in Milano for two years, had already arranged for me to get an Italian passport… because it had been impossible for me to get one in Alexandria since I was born during WWII, and Egypt was at war against Italy, it was impossible to register my birth in the closed Italian Consulate
Everything was OK except my father indicated my birthday to be on June 18th, instead of June 28th. It took some twenty years to get that birth date rectified, but everyone knows that bureaucracy in Italy is slow…

So now I was Italian, 14 and spoke barely the Italian language… which was a problem when deciding what school to go to.

It appeared that my mother was moving to Greece because her husband Guido found a job with an Italian company in Athens… leaving me in limbo in Milan, where my grandfather (and father) would take care of me…
Schooling was another issue… where and what school.
There was in Milano a vocational high school called ORT… they had a three year program in electronics. I remember looking at a textbook in electronics at the school and the first lesson spoke of electrons… it reminded me of chemistry, which used to be my favorite subject in Egypt… so I accepted going to ORT. The school had a boarding house and we lived and ate our meals there…