Friday, October 17, 2008

Cash Only Please...


(an idea proposed by Ivo Adam and Bill Costley on 16 OCT 08)

Here we all are, passively awaiting the media-reported financial tsunami that will engulf the world, told a recession is almost upon us, but definitely not a Great Depression. No, they say (so far) that it’s just a credit crunch, so credit is hard to get: banks won’t lend to each other, so people & companies can’t get necessary credit from any bank. Credit is just drying up.

What can we personally do about it? Get a little saner, quickly. Stop using credit just one day a week. The amount of credit available will increase that one day's worth while the bank consortia that are behind American Express, MasterCard, and VISA, etc. will suffer the loss of that one day’s carrying charges. If you roll that one-day-per-week between Monday to Sunday & back, it will strike rolling terror into the consortias' fiscal hearts as their constant cash-flow income becomes less & less predictable.

What does this do for you? If you are living too much on credit, you now have taken one credit-day off a week to try to come to your fiscal senses & spend cash or spend nothing at all. One day when you say to the spending world “(I) Pay in Cash Only, Please!” (as some Chinese restaurants in San Francisco’s Chinatown say every day.) Just after WW2 cash (or a valid personal check) was really the only acceptable medium of exchange. People were very selective, super-cautious about what they bought, making things last longer. They darned their sox, rather than discarded them, etc. Ask your mom or grandmom, who will remember.

Celebrate this truly liberating Credit-Off, Cash-Only Day totally alone, or with your friends, or in small Cash-Only clubs. You reward is: saving all carrying charges. Result: Your savings should instantly begin to increase. Your sense of being out of fiscal control should begin to end. You will shed excess-debt weight. You will soon begin to feel you're in fighting fiscal trim.

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