Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Crack Smoking Bum...

A Crack Smoking Bum…

That is what I was reduced to two and a half years ago… without any future in sight… I was spending my social security check within a week of reception… and associated myself with other addicts living on the fringe… I was living in various rented beds in halfway centers… and saying to myself “Ivo, you must stop this crack…” it was a sentence I was repeating to myself constantly… and I continued smoking… and I tried other drugs…which luckily I disliked…

The other thing which I had was my Parkinson tremors… I was shaking all over and the only way to stop it was take more medicine… Requip to be precise… I was taking five to seven pills a day…(the limit was four a day)…
Little did I know of any effects Requip created… all I knew was that it was stopping my tremor… even though I was sleepy and acted in a totally lethargic manner… I just was void of any liking or caring about myself… and I wanted more drugs…

But I still had something left in me… I decided to try going to a rehab and hope it to be the last time… So I packed all my stuff, books, clothes and furniture and spent the next two months putting it in storage… with that done I went to Horizon South to detoxicate my body and my soul… I had finished being a crack smoking bum…

By sheer coincidence I received a letter from Stanford Hospital inviting me to go for some tests and explore my aptitude for Deep Brain Surgery… That procedure was recommended by my doctor some six to eight months back…

While performing these tests… I informed the neurologist on my taking Requip… she immediately asked me if I had developed any compulsive behavior, like gambling… having learned about compulsive behavior the day before in my rehab class I immediately told her YES and it is called crack cocaine…

Having heard that she immediately took me off Requip… and the rest is history…

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