Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friends 5

Friends 5

Masa M was one of the most successful hires I made…I had hired him as liaison to our Japanese partner, Matsushita…
True to the Japanese tradition Masa was very loyal… he had worked for a large computer chip manufacturer for three years… he had stayed that amount of time because the company sponsored his green card… and started looking for a job on the third anniversary of employment… This dependability and loyalty made Masa the most successful intermediary in building joint partnerships in the computer peripheral field… We still keep in touch with an occasional lunch at Fontana’s in Cupertino… Good luck my dear friend…

Uli and Doris B have all the positive traits one can see in Swiss citizens… and they know what deep friendship means… I remember one urgent European Distributor meeting I had in Paris… The company was in trouble and I was sent to Europe to drum up some orders… Uli refused to call it a meeting… he called it a Blackmail Meeting… I also remember when I needed Parkinson medication available in Switzerland… Uli was there to supply it…
But the most striking memory I have is… one day Doris visited us to complain on the extremely long period for our broken drives to be repaired… She told our Credit Manager that if we refuse to repair the drives promptly she will put us on “Credit Hold”. Useless to say… the drives were repaired promptly… Au revoir mon ami

Leda B I met Leda in a restaurant in Palo Alto during the World Cup in 1994… She is Brazilian but is fluent in French and Italian… of course we spoke Football between us… It turns out Leda was a journalist on a Fulbright scholarship at Stanford… Over the years we stayed in touch on and off… she moved back to Brazil recently… she says visa problems… but I believe she was homesick… missing the mess one can find in a large Latin country… the largest I presume… In her last email she said November would be when she comes… I hope it is November 2008… Ciao Leda

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