Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank You Mammi

Thank You Mammi

When I was around seven or eight… I joined the BBS Cub Scouts… The Scout leader was a teacher at BBS (British Boys School) and she befriended my mother…

My mother was therefore present to some of the events… One event we had was to camp at the edge of the football field and light a camp-fire… Then we had some porridge… and stayed awake till midnight…
I remember my mother mixing the porridge with cacao… making us a chocolate porridge… which everyone loved…

That was my mother… always do something to please people…

When my parents divorced my mother took me on a bus tour of continental Europe… we toured Italy, France and Switzerland… it opened my view of the World… It taught me to think global… and I have, ever since… Thank you Mammi for… everything.

Thank you Mammi for making my life so fulfilling...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nonna Clemy

Nonna Clemy

He is good because he cares… That was what someone said about Obama…
This reminds me of my mother… She is good because she cares…
That is why she and her sister Lina took care of their mother, Nonna Clemy…

Nonna Clemy loved to travel and see things… so her daughter Rosy (my mother)… took her in a ship cruise of the Mediterranean… that was when Nonna Clemy was 90 years old… and could barely see due to the cataract in both eyes…
My mother used her connections to be seated at the captain’s table, for the whole trip… She did all that for her mother because she cared…

Nonna Clemy split her time between Paris, at Lina’s and Brindisi with her younger daughter Rosy, my mother… she was treated like a queen by her whole family…

When in Paris she was going every Wednesday afternoon to see her brother Gustave… who was afflicted with Parkinson Disease… and see the remaining brothers and sisters of the Riches clan…

Every spring her daughter Rosy would take the train for a two day trip to Paris… and take her mother to Brindisi and take care of her for the summer… Although for Nonna Clemy the family was far away she never complained on that fact… I guess my mother learned from her mother never to complain about things which are beyond your control…

Smile to life and life will smile to you…

Monday, April 20, 2009

Smile to life...

Smile to life… and life will smile to you

My mother died two days ago… she was in Brindisi in a hospital…
Her name was Rosetta Abouskela Favia…Rosy for short…

My mother was a very jovial person… her motto was “Smile to life and life will smile to you”… and she really lived with a smile…

I was thinking… what if she is with Tikva, what would she do… she would take charge and make sure that her great granddaughter has all she needs… because that is what my mother did… take care of people…

When I was four I went to kindergarten… my mother was picking me up from school (called Homecraft House)… and on the way we passed by the house where she lived when she was a teenager… The apartment was on the mezzanine floor… and my mother showed me where her room was… and she told me that she was sometimes sneaking out by jumping out of the window… she must have been quite precocious…

When she was fifty her husband Guido had a heart attack and died two days later… It was the first time he had a heart problem… so sudden a departure… Yet my mother took it with a lot of courage… she had a son of fifteen to take care of… my brother Giorgio…

Why did she stay in Brindisi… instead of moving to Milan or Paris… where she had family… instead of staying in the deep south of Italy…

Except for a brief period in Venice, my mother had always lived in southern Mediterranean… in Alexandria where she was born… in Athens, in Haifa, in Beyrouth and in Brindisi… She felt more comfortable in that part of the world… people are warmer and more hospitable… what is a pity that she became a widow that early in her sojourn in this port city…

My mother had a full life… and she made the best of situations… always… whatever the hurdle… When my wife Orit left the house… my mother hopped on a plane to take care of her granddaughters, and stayed quite a while…

Whenever Gal or Sharon had some friends traveling in Europe… they were given two addresses… either my Aunt Lina’s (my mother’s sister) in Paris… or if they were going to Greece, to my mother’s house, in the dead center of Brindisi where they could take the ferry to Greece…

That of course is after being fed with a meal of the best Mediterranean cuisine…

I’ll miss you Mamouni… I certainly miss your cooking… how you made things out of nothing, whether it is in the kitchen… or in repairing a suit I burned when ironing… I always knew that if I needed something… I could call you…

Ciao Mamouni, je t’aime mamman, Iassou Kiria Rosy… Sagapo miteramou…


Tuesday, April 14, 2009



The other day I was looking an Italian detective film on TV and the Police Chief was commenting on guns… he was telling his assistant that he was without a gun… we must learn to live without using a gun… we are not God… our life is fulfilled without it…

That made me think… Why is it that all TV series, except for sit-coms, all entail guns and death… the whole alphabet of abbreviations CSI, CIA, FBI, NCIS, ATF… etc… involve guns… and death…

Then I started to think… how many people I know own a gun… ONE… This guy, I knew a long time ago… told me that he had a gun collection (which I never saw)… his name is Bob G…

Other than that nobody I know has a gun… so why is it that so much of the entertainment, and unfortunately news too, we are shown involve guns…

Are guns such a necessity that a show will be unsuccessful unless someone is killed by a gun… is the NRA philosophy so much impregnated in our daily lives… that we absolutely need their tacit blessing…

I wonder how long it will take for the Networks to devise a “reality kill” show… or we will let the armed forces and the police force with that priviledge…