Monday, October 13, 2008

It Felt Like S...

It Felt Like S…

That’s the feeling I had when the judge gave me sixty days in County Jail… like s…

Some months before I was arrested for possession of crack cocaine… they gave me two year probation… i.e. stay clean for two years… In that period I had to go for urine test every two weeks… and to court every two to three months…

The last time my urine test was positive and the judge gave me sixty days in County Jail…
In view of my (Parkinson) condition… and my age… they put me in protective custody…or PC… which meant being locked in a cell with another inmate for twenty three hours… and then let out for an hour a day…

The main thing about jail is the total loss of control… the guards or C O as they liked to be called made it a point of controlling your life… Purposely they wake you up in the middle of the night and change your cell… or anything else to make you lose control… like put everyone in chains when transported to Court…very humiliating…

On the other hand… if one thinks it through… these COs are going to stay there much more than sixty days… probably the rest of their lives… and this is far from being with the best of companies…

This feeling of impotence… of total loss of ones dignity is a memory that will be very hard for me to forget…

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