Monday, August 18, 2008

Of God, Love and Life

Of God, Love and Life.
Written in August 2008
Listening to a couple of TV programs on life… and more recently the memory of my departed granddaughter Tikva…
My little Tikva who is making me wonder why has she gone away in such a short period… less than two months… I keep asking myself for a reason for such a short visit… I am told that there is a reason for everything…
How many children and infants died in the same instant than Tikva… and how many of them had as much love during their brief life as Tikva had…when I think of the love she had around her gives me joy… and a smile… but… It is still very hard to for me to admit that there is a reason for everything, including my granddaughter’s death.
I am at loss of words… especially because I made it a habit to avoid using the words “no and not” from any of my writings.
What is the reason… where can I find that reason… how can I justify that loss… One thought that keeps coming to my mind is that this baby girl was constantly suffering and fighting to breathe on her own… Thank God that your suffering has stopped my dearest little angel… God, whose goal is to have a world in equilibrium devoid of suffering… succeeded in helping my Tikva…
Thank you God…
Some forty years ago I was visiting an Aquarium in Eilat… at the sight of such a colorful collection o fish…a friend remarked “these fish are so beautiful… all my compliments to God”
This is what life is about… colorful fish and hope for a better world… “Tikvat Hahaim”…


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