Thursday, November 5, 2009

Africa - Zimbabwe today...

Africa – Zimbabwe today… tomorrow another place…

We are shown on television how people are mal nourished… and yet on the day fertilizers are distributed… the population of that village stand in line and… start dancing…just to celebrate the receipt of the fertilizers… and, probably, to celebrate life…

Throughout the literature we read about “Lucy” and other primate-like ancestors… all of them started their trek in Africa… I always wondered how come our ancestors were so primitive… one would expect that our ancestors would be the most developed “homo…”

When seeing these people dancing and singing while waiting for their portion of fertilizers… it led me to wonder who is the cultured and who is the educated… can we state with contempt that we are superior because we can count our money and goods to make more money… or are the people who take their famine with a song and dance the more mature of species…

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