Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nonna Clemy

Nonna Clemy

He is good because he cares… That was what someone said about Obama…
This reminds me of my mother… She is good because she cares…
That is why she and her sister Lina took care of their mother, Nonna Clemy…

Nonna Clemy loved to travel and see things… so her daughter Rosy (my mother)… took her in a ship cruise of the Mediterranean… that was when Nonna Clemy was 90 years old… and could barely see due to the cataract in both eyes…
My mother used her connections to be seated at the captain’s table, for the whole trip… She did all that for her mother because she cared…

Nonna Clemy split her time between Paris, at Lina’s and Brindisi with her younger daughter Rosy, my mother… she was treated like a queen by her whole family…

When in Paris she was going every Wednesday afternoon to see her brother Gustave… who was afflicted with Parkinson Disease… and see the remaining brothers and sisters of the Riches clan…

Every spring her daughter Rosy would take the train for a two day trip to Paris… and take her mother to Brindisi and take care of her for the summer… Although for Nonna Clemy the family was far away she never complained on that fact… I guess my mother learned from her mother never to complain about things which are beyond your control…

Smile to life and life will smile to you…

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