Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thank You Mammi

Thank You Mammi

When I was around seven or eight… I joined the BBS Cub Scouts… The Scout leader was a teacher at BBS (British Boys School) and she befriended my mother…

My mother was therefore present to some of the events… One event we had was to camp at the edge of the football field and light a camp-fire… Then we had some porridge… and stayed awake till midnight…
I remember my mother mixing the porridge with cacao… making us a chocolate porridge… which everyone loved…

That was my mother… always do something to please people…

When my parents divorced my mother took me on a bus tour of continental Europe… we toured Italy, France and Switzerland… it opened my view of the World… It taught me to think global… and I have, ever since… Thank you Mammi for… everything.

Thank you Mammi for making my life so fulfilling...


Unknown said...

What an incredible coincidence. I was born in Alexandria in 1943, I went to the Home crafts House (rue des pharaons) as well and to the BBS (Chatby).
Paul Karam

Ivo's life said...

Paul, i wish i could get you, but,you changed address, my email address is the following/...""
good luck