Tuesday, April 14, 2009



The other day I was looking an Italian detective film on TV and the Police Chief was commenting on guns… he was telling his assistant that he was without a gun… we must learn to live without using a gun… we are not God… our life is fulfilled without it…

That made me think… Why is it that all TV series, except for sit-coms, all entail guns and death… the whole alphabet of abbreviations CSI, CIA, FBI, NCIS, ATF… etc… involve guns… and death…

Then I started to think… how many people I know own a gun… ONE… This guy, I knew a long time ago… told me that he had a gun collection (which I never saw)… his name is Bob G…

Other than that nobody I know has a gun… so why is it that so much of the entertainment, and unfortunately news too, we are shown involve guns…

Are guns such a necessity that a show will be unsuccessful unless someone is killed by a gun… is the NRA philosophy so much impregnated in our daily lives… that we absolutely need their tacit blessing…

I wonder how long it will take for the Networks to devise a “reality kill” show… or we will let the armed forces and the police force with that priviledge…

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