Monday, March 9, 2009

A Winner

A Winner
My grandchild is a very social person… One thing she dislikes is playing games where she may lose… Instinctively one may say… She has to learn to be competitive… Does she… is this a necessary ingredient to life in the XXI Century… Must we always compete with one another…
Should we direct our children towards playing games where the sole objective is winning… preferably with some destructive violence… that was certainly remnants of a XX Century mind… but that frame of mind can be stopped… If one creates games that makes one forget having adversaries… just the joy of enjoying one self…
Sounds like a nostalgic hippie… but I lived the first sixty five years of my life without having a single fistfight… yes I had competitors in business but I was thinking of winning… in a win win situation… rather than beating my competitor… and so far it worked…
The other day I went to NASA Ames Center to watch the launch of the Kepler Mission Spacecraft… In Search for Habitable Planets… It is a mission where the spaceship’s… telescopes will look for other planets similar to Earth… thus increasing the probability of it being inhabited… results are predicted in three and a half years…
What I found totally out of place was that this very noble intergalactic mission was preceded with the USA national anthem…
If there is a habitable planet with intelligent life… and are looking… what shall they think of us…


Gal said...

I never liked competitive games, either. :)

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

We have become a crazily-nationalistic society since Sept 11. I also would've felt the anthem was out of place . It's hard to explain this to people but I think all this excessive flag waving is dumb. And yet I consider myself a patriot.