Monday, November 3, 2008



Calvin and the stupid drugs

If someone is to take credit for coining the term “Drugs are Stupid” it is most certainly Calvin… It was me who stupidly laid alone in bed… reaching for my pipe in the drawer of my night stand… looking for nirvana…
As soon as Calvin smelled the dope he would close the night stand drawer and say “Drugs are stupid… stop it”… but the stupid was me who refused to listen to my beloved Calvin…

Eventually… I moved and Calvin escaped away… I hope he found a decent home to live in… As my daughter Sharon says… he is such a loving cat that he most certainly found a family to adopt him…

Yes Calvin was my cat… and he was using his tail to push closed the night stand drawer… It was me…the human being (?) who was too stupid to realize that Calvin loved me and was trying to give me a message…

A message I was too stupid to realize…

Drugs are Stupid

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